Incardination for the Priest

Incardination for the Priest

Holy Church of the East in Brazil, Latin America and Caribbean

Incardination for the Priest

His Grace Bishop Mar Basilius Adao Pereira

Most Reverent Father in God:

For the middle of the present, I, ________________________________, after much prayer, to request His Eminence, to admit me into the Order of the _________________________, in the Holy Church of the East in Brazil, Latin America and Caribbean.

I committed to accomplish all of the precepts and laws of the Holy Synod of the Holy Church of the East in Latin America and Caribbean, under the authority of the His Grace Bishop Mar Basilius Adao Pereira.

I make this petition, believing it to be the Holy Will of God Almighty and our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ our. I am not ecclesiastical fame or honor, bat simply to become a servant of God and of His Holy Church.

Written on this the _________ day of _________________ in the year of our Lord of the ______.
Pronounced in the Parish/Chapel of ________________________________ in the City of __________________________________, in the States of ____________________.

Date: _____/_________/______

Your servant in Christ,

Priest: ________________________

Received by:
Date: _____/_________/______

Bishop Mar Basilius Adao Pereira
Metropolitan Bishop